Cynthia Heider
Source: Price Lab for Digital Humanities |
Reading time: 1 minutes
Academic Title:
Public Digital Scholarship Librarian
In her role as Penn Libraries' first Public Digital Scholarship Librarian, Cynthia works to initiate and support digital projects, scholarship, and programming that center community partnerships and public engagement. As part of the Research Data and Digital Scholarship team, she consults with audiences on and beyond campus to actively facilitate opportunities for equitable collaboration, resource sharing, and critical inquiry in the digital realm.
Cynthia Heider holds a Master's degree in history from Temple University’s Center for Public History as well as a BA in history from Goucher College. She has a particular interest in the structure, integrity, and ethics of data use in the humanities. She also supports the burgeoning scholarly discussion on feminism and the praxis of an ethic of care within data, tech, and DH work.
Fellowship Date:
June, 2024
Rahul Mukherjee
Source: Price Lab for Digital Humanities |
Reading time: 1 minutes
Academic Title:
Associate Professor of TV and New Media in Department of Cinema & Media Studies
Rahul Mukherjee is Associate Professor of TV and New Media in Department of Cinema & Media Studies at University of Pennsylvania. His research focuses on the logistical and environmental dimensions of digital infrastructures and platforms. Rahul is the author of Radiant Infrastructures: Media, Environment, and Cultures of Uncertainty (DUP, 2020). He is presently completing his second book Unlimited: Aspirational Politics and Mobile Media Distribution (to be published with MIT Press, Fall 2025). His essays have been published in Critical Inquiry, Science, Technology & Human Values, and Journal of Visual Culture. He has co-edited journal special issues regarding platformization of everyday life in India (Asiascape) and superapps and megacorps (Media, Culture & Society).
Fellowship Date:
June, 2024
Che Gossett
Source: Price Lab for Digital Humanities |
Reading time: 1 minutes
Academic Title:
Associate Director of the Center for Research in Feminist, Queer and Transgender Studies
Che Gossett is associate director of the Center for Research in Feminist, Queer and Transgender Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Che has published numerous works of queer/trans studies, African American Studies and art historical scholarship, including most recently, in May 2024, an article on Black British diasporic artist John Akomfrah, titled “The Dark Sublime,” for Transition journal, a publication of Hutchins Center for African & African American Research at Harvard University. Che is currently co-editing as special issue of Social Text journal with Yale University Professor of Theater & Performance Studies, American Studies & African-American Studies Tavia Nyong’o on Caribbean feminist philosopher Sylvia Wynter, culture and technics, forthcoming in 2025.
Fellowship Date:
June, 2024—June, 2025
Searching for Non-Student Evaluators for this Year’s Ian Lancashire Promise Award
Source: CSDH / SCHN |
Reading time: 3 minutes
It’s that time of year again! Every year CSDH/SCHN awards the Ian Lancashire Promise Award to the best student paper at the conference (the donation by Ian Lancashire, that started the award, set the criteria, including that it must be for a solo paper about the student’s project, as opposed to another format, or for […]
Le prix CSDH/SCHN pour contribution exceptionnelle 2024 : The Amplify Podcast Network (le réseau Amplify Podcast)
Source: CSDH / SCHN |
Reading time: 4 minutes
Le comité des prix de la Société canadienne des humanités numériques est ravi d’annoncer que The Amplify Podcast Network / le réseau Amplify Podcast a été sélectionné comme récipiendaire du Prix pour contribution exceptionnelle CSDH/SCHN 2024. The Amplify Podcast Network / le réseau Amplify Podcast, dirigé par la chercheuse Dre Hannah McGregor (Université Simon Fraser) […]
The 2024 CSDH/SCHN Outstanding Contribution Award: The Amplify Podcast Network
Source: CSDH / SCHN |
Reading time: 3 minutes
The Awards Committee for the Canadian Society of Digital Humanities is delighted to share that the Amplify Podcast Network has been selected as the recipient of the 2024 CSDH/SCHN Outstanding Contribution Award. The Amplify Podcast Network, led by PI Dr. Hannah McGregor (Simon Fraser University) alongside co-directors Dr. Stacey Copeland ( and Wilfrid Laurier University […]
2D & 3D Photography Conference 2024
Source: Digital Humanities at Exeter |
Reading time: 6 minutes
Between 29th – 31st May 2024 myself, Julia and Ellen had the privilege of attending the 2 & 3D Photography, Practice and Prophecies Conference held at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. The conference bought together photographers, restorers, conservators, archivists, data analysts and cultural heritage professionals from all around the world to learn new techniques and share ideas. […]
Loading locations of Trove's digitised maps into the Gazetteer of Historical Australian Placenames
Source: Tim Sherratt |
Reading time: 1 minutes
For this part of the ARDC’s Community Data Lab project, I’ve been focusing in particular on adding a series of researcher pathways to the Trove Data Guide. These pathways link data from Trove to a variety of tools and approaches and include five detailed tutorials. The first four were:
Analysing keywords in Trove’s digitised newspapers
Working with a Trove collection in Tropy
Comparing manuscript collections in Mirador
Sharing a Trove List as a CollectionBuilder exhibition
I’ve now added the fifth and final (for now) tutorial:
Create a layer in the Gazetteer of Historical Australian Placenames using metadata from Trove’s digitised maps
As has been the way in a lot of TDG development, this tutorial builds on and extends resources available through the GLAM Workbench. The Trove maps section of the GLAM Workbench already included a dataset of digitised maps and their coordinates, but for this tutorial I added a notebook that lets you create a subset of maps relating to a particular region. It does this by putting all the available map locations on world map. You then draw a rectangle on the map to select a region and display details of all the maps whose centre points fall within that region. It also displays links to download your new dataset as either a CSV or GeoJSON file.
The tutorial walks you through this process, then demonstrates how you can upload data from the CSV file to create a new layer in the Gazetteer of Historical Australian Placenames (GHAP).
This part of the Trove Data Guide project is now finished, but I’ll be continuing to add and refine content. If you have any suggestions for additional tutorials, feel free to add them to the ideas board (no promises though!).
Undergrads expand stories behind historic slavery lawsuits
Source: Center for Digital Research in the Humanities |
Reading time: 5 minutes
Undergrads expand stories behind historic slavery lawsuits
The handwriting on the screen can be vexing, but the stories are fascinating.
Zoe Williams, a rising sophomore at Howard University in Washington, D.C., carefully read the scrawled words of a 200-year-old document on her computer screen in the Digital Legal Research Lab, a lab in the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Center for Digital Research in the Humanities.
“That is easily the biggest challenge,” Williams said. “You do get used to the handwriting as you go, and some pages are easier than others, but there have been some that look like chicken scratch.”
As the reading started to flow more easily, Williams began to untwine and understand the legal hurdles of an enslaved man named Paul Jones who was seeking…
PROJECT: Digging into Early Colonial Mexico
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
Digging into Early Colonial Mexico (DECM Project) is an effort to share and analyze datasets of the Relaciones Geográficas de la Nueva España, 16th and 17th century documents that provide insight into indigenous and colonized groups of the Virreinatos, or regions of the early Americas that were being colonized by Spanish viceroys. The project combines ...read more
PROJECT: Digging into Early Colonial Mexico
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
Digging into Early Colonial Mexico (DECM Project) is an effort to share and analyze datasets of the Relaciones Geográficas de la Nueva España, 16th and 17th century documents that provide insight into indigenous and colonized groups of the Virreinatos, or regions of the early Americas that were being colonized by Spanish viceroys. The project combines ...read more
POST: CNI’s Spring 2024 Project Briefings
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
The Coalition for Networked Information’s (CNI) Spring 2024 Membership Meeting consisted of plenaries and project briefings which are posted and publicly available through their site. These meetings feature various members’ semi-formal presentations on initiatives, projects, and research – both theoretical and practical, such as: “Opening Collections of Marginalized Voices through Crowdfunding and Crowdsourcing,” Michael Levine-Clark, ...read more
POST: CNI’s Spring 2024 Project Briefings
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
The Coalition for Networked Information’s (CNI) Spring 2024 Membership Meeting consisted of plenaries and project briefings which are posted and publicly available through their site. These meetings feature various members’ semi-formal presentations on initiatives, projects, and research – both theoretical and practical, such as: “Opening Collections of Marginalized Voices through Crowdfunding and Crowdsourcing,” Michael Levine-Clark, ...read more
RESOURCE: ARL’s Guiding Principles for Artificial Intelligence
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) has published “Research Libraries Guiding Principals for Artificial Intelligence,” a brief values-statement on the use of AI in their policy advocacy and engagement. From the background statement: Articulating a set of research library guiding principles for AI is useful to influence policy and advocate for the responsible development and ...read more
RESOURCE: ARL’s Guiding Principles for Artificial Intelligence
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) has published “Research Libraries Guiding Principals for Artificial Intelligence,” a brief values-statement on the use of AI in their policy advocacy and engagement. From the background statement: Articulating a set of research library guiding principles for AI is useful to influence policy and advocate for the responsible development and ...read more
CFP: ACH Virtual Conference
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
The Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) 2024 virtual conference will take place November 6-8 of this year. ACH 2024 “underscores the importance of addressing societal challenges in the digital humanities and beyond,” inviting participants to join them in “navigating diverse political milieus and shaping a virtual conference that is just and inclusive.” From ...read more
CFP: ACH Virtual Conference
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
The Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) 2024 virtual conference will take place November 6-8 of this year. ACH 2024 “underscores the importance of addressing societal challenges in the digital humanities and beyond,” inviting participants to join them in “navigating diverse political milieus and shaping a virtual conference that is just and inclusive.” From ...read more
CFP: Handbook of Humanities Podcasting
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
The Humanities Podcasting Network (HPN) is compiling an edited collection to be published by Palgrave Macmillan. A 250-word abstract is due by May 5th, submitted through a Google Form. Topics for inclusion range from Historicizing the Humanities Podcast to Queer and Feminist Voices in podcasting, with over 20 topics represented. HPN seeks contributors from a ...read more
CFP: Handbook of Humanities Podcasting
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
The Humanities Podcasting Network (HPN) is compiling an edited collection to be published by Palgrave Macmillan. A 250-word abstract is due by May 5th, submitted through a Google Form. Topics for inclusion range from Historicizing the Humanities Podcast to Queer and Feminist Voices in podcasting, with over 20 topics represented. HPN seeks contributors from a ...read more
CFP: Florida Digital Humanities Consortium
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
The Florida Digital Humanities Consortium (FLDH) is celebrating their 10th anniversary with a conference, “Humanities in the Age of AI: Celebrating a Decade of Innovation.” The conference will take place on Friday, September 20, 2024 at the University of Central Florida. Sponsors include FLDH, UCF’s Center for Humanities and Digital Research (CHDR), UCF Libraries, and ...read more
CFP: Florida Digital Humanities Consortium
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
The Florida Digital Humanities Consortium (FLDH) is celebrating their 10th anniversary with a conference, “Humanities in the Age of AI: Celebrating a Decade of Innovation.” The conference will take place on Friday, September 20, 2024 at the University of Central Florida. Sponsors include FLDH, UCF’s Center for Humanities and Digital Research (CHDR), UCF Libraries, and ...read more
CFP: AVinDH workshop at DH 2024
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
The AVinDH Special Interest Group is seeking proposals for Lightning Talks during pre-conference workshops at DH 2024. Lightning talks will be 4-5 minutes on topics or projects related to Audio/Visuals in digital humanities, and presentations may include discussion of works in progress. In order to submit a proposal, presenters must first register for the workshops ...read more
CFP: AVinDH workshop at DH 2024
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
The AVinDH Special Interest Group is seeking proposals for Lightning Talks during pre-conference workshops at DH 2024. Lightning talks will be 4-5 minutes on topics or projects related to Audio/Visuals in digital humanities, and presentations may include discussion of works in progress. In order to submit a proposal, presenters must first register for the workshops ...read more
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
Digital Humanities Quarterly (DHQ) is currently recruiting for an Accessibility Editor, Book and Tool Review Editor, and Languages Editor. These volunteer positions are enlisted for renewable, three-year terms. As DHQ usually has multiple editors in each area, selected applicants would be working in a collaborative capacity. DHQ is endeavoring to build a diverse team of ...read more
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
Digital Humanities Quarterly (DHQ) is currently recruiting for an Accessibility Editor, Book and Tool Review Editor, and Languages Editor. These volunteer positions are enlisted for renewable, three-year terms. As DHQ usually has multiple editors in each area, selected applicants would be working in a collaborative capacity. DHQ is endeavoring to build a diverse team of ...read more
JOB: Head of Digital Scholarship Services, Binghamton University
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
From the post: The Head of Digital Scholarship Services is responsible for planning, implementing, and managing current and emerging research support services, including, digital scholarship, digital humanities, data management, scholarly communications and digital maker space technologies. This position collaborates with faculty and staff to build and nurture campus partnerships with Information Technology Services, the Division ...read more
JOB: Head of Digital Scholarship Services, Binghamton University
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
From the post: The Head of Digital Scholarship Services is responsible for planning, implementing, and managing current and emerging research support services, including, digital scholarship, digital humanities, data management, scholarly communications and digital maker space technologies. This position collaborates with faculty and staff to build and nurture campus partnerships with Information Technology Services, the Division ...read more
JOB: Digital Scholarship Librarian, Utah State
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
From the post: The Utah State University Libraries seeks a collaborative, innovative and user-centered candidate for the position of Digital Scholarship Librarian to join a team supporting our communities in discovering, creating, and sharing knowledge. The Digital Scholarship Librarian will further digital scholarship and literacy across the institution and provide support for a broad range ...read more
JOB: Digital Scholarship Librarian, Utah State
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
From the post: The Utah State University Libraries seeks a collaborative, innovative and user-centered candidate for the position of Digital Scholarship Librarian to join a team supporting our communities in discovering, creating, and sharing knowledge. The Digital Scholarship Librarian will further digital scholarship and literacy across the institution and provide support for a broad range ...read more
JOB: Digital Archivist, Multnomah County (Oregon)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
From the post: We are seeking a Digital Archivist with a dual focus on access and preservation to develop and implement policies and procedures for managing born-digital and digitized archival records. Do you want a career that combines history and research with technology? Do you possess skills in archival science, outreach, and digital preservation? Do ...read more
JOB: Digital Archivist, Multnomah County (Oregon)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
From the post: We are seeking a Digital Archivist with a dual focus on access and preservation to develop and implement policies and procedures for managing born-digital and digitized archival records. Do you want a career that combines history and research with technology? Do you possess skills in archival science, outreach, and digital preservation? Do ...read more
New ‘language of mechanisation’ publication and datasets released
Source: Living with Machines |
Reading time: 5 minutes
We’re delighted to share the news that our data paper has been published by the Journal of Open Humanities Data. Language of Mechanisation Crowdsourcing Datasets from the Living with Machines ProjectBy Mia Ridge, Nilo Pedrazzini, Miguel Vieira, Arianna Ciula, Barbara McGillivray We present the ‘Language of Mechanisation’ datasets with examples of re-use in visualisations and […]
5 most common Transkribus questions (and their answers!)
Source: READ-COOP |
Reading time: 24 minutes
If you’re new to Transkribus, you probably have lots of questions about the platform. How do I transcribe documents? What’s a model? How do I even log in? Many of these questions can be solved by a visit to our Help Center, which contains information about every feature and function of Transkribus. However, to help […]
The post 5 most common Transkribus questions (and their answers!) appeared first on READ-COOP.
Making Research Tactile: Critical Making and Data Physicalization in Digital Humanities Special Issue
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 9 minutes
No content preview
Making Research Tactile: Critical Making and Data Physicalization in Digital Humanities Special Issue
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 9 minutes
No content preview
Play With Your Data (printable zine)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
Play With Your Data on Humanities Commons
Play With Your Data (printable zine)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
Play With Your Data on Humanities Commons
Making Research Tactile: Critical Making and Data Physicalization in Digital Humanities
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 14 minutes
This special issue of dh+lib introduces our readers to how digital humanities can integrate data physicalization into the research process and how data physicalization is a form of critical making. Seven case studies are presented here, ranging from how we can use data physicalization to teach digital methods to how data physicalization can aid in ...read more
Making Research Tactile: Critical Making and Data Physicalization in Digital Humanities
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 14 minutes
This special issue of dh+lib introduces our readers to how digital humanities can integrate data physicalization into the research process and how data physicalization is a form of critical making. Seven case studies are presented here, ranging from how we can use data physicalization to teach digital methods to how data physicalization can aid in ...read more
Emotional Bookmarks: Data Physicalization and the Language of Literature
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 20 minutes
Color has long had a deep connection to our emotions, which cuts through different cultures, time periods, and contexts, from textiles and architecture to design and art. Goethe was the first Western color theorist to suggest that colors have a direct effect on our physical and psychological wellbeing. Writing in his book, Theory of Colours, ...read more
Emotional Bookmarks: Data Physicalization and the Language of Literature
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 20 minutes
Color has long had a deep connection to our emotions, which cuts through different cultures, time periods, and contexts, from textiles and architecture to design and art. Goethe was the first Western color theorist to suggest that colors have a direct effect on our physical and psychological wellbeing. Writing in his book, Theory of Colours, ...read more
Black Ribbon for Mourning: Affective Solidarity and Feeling Very Difficult Data
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 22 minutes
The following recipe focuses on using data visceralization to engage very difficult data, with an emphasis on what feeling the data can do (as opposed to seeing it), and strategies for contextualizing the data and its effects. There is a particular subset of visualization-based data science known as Quantified Self. The Quantified Self (QS) movement ...read more
Black Ribbon for Mourning: Affective Solidarity and Feeling Very Difficult Data
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 22 minutes
The following recipe focuses on using data visceralization to engage very difficult data, with an emphasis on what feeling the data can do (as opposed to seeing it), and strategies for contextualizing the data and its effects. There is a particular subset of visualization-based data science known as Quantified Self. The Quantified Self (QS) movement ...read more
Book Adjacent: Database & Makerspace Prototypes Repairing Book-Centric Citation Bias in DH Working Libraries
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 26 minutes
My digital humanities center recently returned to a renovated library building with a dedicated public area. Our pre-renovation space included semi-public shelves full of DH-relevant books, but by 2019 thirteen years of book accrual meant our specialized reference collection needed significant curation. Some of the most appreciated books weren’t making it back to us, and ...read more
Book Adjacent: Database & Makerspace Prototypes Repairing Book-Centric Citation Bias in DH Working Libraries
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 26 minutes
My digital humanities center recently returned to a renovated library building with a dedicated public area. Our pre-renovation space included semi-public shelves full of DH-relevant books, but by 2019 thirteen years of book accrual meant our specialized reference collection needed significant curation. Some of the most appreciated books weren’t making it back to us, and ...read more
Weaving as Coding: Complexity and Nostalgia
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 22 minutes
For readers unfamiliar with the process of weaving, terms that first appear below in bold typeface are explained in the Weaving primer/glossary section between the Footnotes and Recipe. I first faced a loom in summer 2017 at the Haystack Mountain School of Craft, during their Open Studio Residency, just before leaving. I went to Haystack ...read more
Weaving as Coding: Complexity and Nostalgia
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 22 minutes
For readers unfamiliar with the process of weaving, terms that first appear below in bold typeface are explained in the Weaving primer/glossary section between the Footnotes and Recipe. I first faced a loom in summer 2017 at the Haystack Mountain School of Craft, during their Open Studio Residency, just before leaving. I went to Haystack ...read more
Knot Hard: Accessible Textile Data Visualization with a Circular Knitting Machine
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 20 minutes
“That is such a cool idea, but I’m not crafty at all.” I hear this a lot when I mention that I run a Textile Makerspace, and teach Data Visualization with Textiles. It’s easy to see where people are coming from: temperature blankets, covid scarves, quilted topographic maps, embroidered Greek epic poetry — the data ...read more
Knot Hard: Accessible Textile Data Visualization with a Circular Knitting Machine
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 20 minutes
“That is such a cool idea, but I’m not crafty at all.” I hear this a lot when I mention that I run a Textile Makerspace, and teach Data Visualization with Textiles. It’s easy to see where people are coming from: temperature blankets, covid scarves, quilted topographic maps, embroidered Greek epic poetry — the data ...read more
Off the Wheel and Off the Rails: When Making and Teaching Go Wrong
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 17 minutes
An aspect of making and crafting I considered when invited to contribute to this special issue on physical data visualization is the possibility of confronting failure, especially the failure in the make, and the outcome possibly going very wrong. To be able to learn and grow as a crafter and data viz creator is to ...read more
Off the Wheel and Off the Rails: When Making and Teaching Go Wrong
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
An aspect of making and crafting I considered when invited to contribute to this special issue on physical data visualization is the possibility of confronting failure, especially the failure in the make, and the outcome possibly going very wrong. To be able to learn and grow as a crafter and data viz creator is to ...read more
Developing a Creative Practice with Ceramic Data Physicalizations
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 22 minutes
Introduction Over the past year I have been researching and crafting a data physicalization piece titled Me & You, 2024 (porcelain and thread, Figure 1). The resulting piece maps the physical locations of three significant people in my life in relation to where I lived at the time. Thread was weaved in between the shapes ...read more
Developing a Creative Practice with Ceramic Data Physicalizations
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
Introduction Over the past year I have been researching and crafting a data physicalization piece titled Me & You, 2024 (porcelain and thread, Figure 1). The resulting piece maps the physical locations of three significant people in my life in relation to where I lived at the time. Thread was weaved in between the shapes ...read more
Manuscript Monday: LJS 431 – Manuscript list of manuscript and printed books (Video Orientation)
Source: The Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies |
Reading time: 18 minutes
Dot Porter, SIMS Curator for Digital Humanities at the University of Pennsylvania Library, presents a video Orientation to the University of Pennsylvania Library’s LJS 431, a list of 33 works; at least 13 entries include publication information such as city of publication, printer, or date of publication; publishers include Robert Estienne of Paris and JoannesContinue reading "Manuscript Monday: LJS 431 – Manuscript list of manuscript and printed books (Video Orientation)"
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
Mixing up table-top role playing games (RPG) with digital humanities project lifecycles, Quinn Dombrowski (Stanford) created The DH RPG for a course 2020. The resource remains a fun and relevant way to explore and teach project management and ethical collaboration, and explore infrastructures critically. The site includes a guide to play, character building templates, and ...read more
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
Mixing up table-top role playing games (RPG) with digital humanities project lifecycles, Quinn Dombrowski (Stanford) created The DH RPG for a course 2020. The resource remains a fun and relevant way to explore and teach project management and ethical collaboration, and explore infrastructures critically. The site includes a guide to play, character building templates, and ...read more
RESOURCE: Exploring LLM Weirdness
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
This week’s editors-at-large nominated “Exploring LLM Weirdness” by Cord, a quiz that requires players to convince Chat-GPT4 to select the right answer in a multiple choice quiz. It serves as an interactive lesson and teaching tool on the limitations of AI in certain scenarios.
RESOURCE: Exploring LLM Weirdness
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
This week’s editors-at-large nominated “Exploring LLM Weirdness” by Cord, a quiz that requires players to convince Chat-GPT4 to select the right answer in a multiple choice quiz. It serves as an interactive lesson and teaching tool on the limitations of AI in certain scenarios.
EVENT: DH@Guelph Summer Workshops
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
Registration is now open for the DH@Guelph Summer Workshops in Guelph, Ontario. The workshops will be in-person and will run over four days, 14-17 May 2024. Topics include: Making Connections: The Semantic Web for Humanities Scholars Introduction to Python Data AnalysisApproaching Media Archaeology from a Digital Humanities Perspective: Introduction, Tools, and Techniques Uncovering Hidden Trends ...read more
EVENT: DH@Guelph Summer Workshops
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
Registration is now open for the DH@Guelph Summer Workshops in Guelph, Ontario. The workshops will be in-person and will run over four days, 14-17 May 2024. Topics include: Making Connections: The Semantic Web for Humanities Scholars Introduction to Python Data AnalysisApproaching Media Archaeology from a Digital Humanities Perspective: Introduction, Tools, and Techniques Uncovering Hidden Trends ...read more
EVENT: Digital Initiatives Symposium
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
The University of San Diego will host its annual Digital Initiatives Symposium and celebrate the event’s tenth anniversary, on Monday, 29 April 2024, in San Diego, California. The schedule of events includes a series of workshops and presentations on acquiring commercial data sets, auditing diversity in library collections, designing digital exhibits, exploring generative artificial intelligence, ...read more
EVENT: Digital Initiatives Symposium
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
The University of San Diego will host its annual Digital Initiatives Symposium and celebrate the event’s tenth anniversary, on Monday, 29 April 2024, in San Diego, California. The schedule of events includes a series of workshops and presentations on acquiring commercial data sets, auditing diversity in library collections, designing digital exhibits, exploring generative artificial intelligence, ...read more
CFP: Connecticut Digital Humanities Conference (CTDH)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
The third Connecticut Digital Humanities Conference (CTDH) has been announced and will take place on 21-22 February 2025 at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain, CT. The conference will also mark a return to the in-person format after a virtual version in 2021. From the call: We seek participation from a broad range of ...read more
CFP: Connecticut Digital Humanities Conference (CTDH)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
The third Connecticut Digital Humanities Conference (CTDH) has been announced and will take place on 21-22 February 2025 at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain, CT. The conference will also mark a return to the in-person format after a virtual version in 2021. From the call: We seek participation from a broad range of ...read more
CFP: DLF 2024 Virtual Event
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
CLIR’s Digital Library Federation (DLF) invites proposals for the Virtual 2024 DLF Forum, which will be held online, 22-23 October 2024. From the call: We invite proposals for live virtual presentations on all topics related to digital libraries, encompassing case studies, “show and fails,” practical application, methods, projects, ethics, research, and learning in any area, including, ...read more
CFP: DLF 2024 Virtual Event
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
CLIR’s Digital Library Federation (DLF) invites proposals for the Virtual 2024 DLF Forum, which will be held online, 22-23 October 2024. From the call: We invite proposals for live virtual presentations on all topics related to digital libraries, encompassing case studies, “show and fails,” practical application, methods, projects, ethics, research, and learning in any area, including, ...read more
OPPORTUNITY: Digital Projects Review Editor, American Quarterly
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
The American Studies Association (ASA) Digital Humanities Caucus seeks nominations for a new Digital Projects Review Editor for American Quarterly, the journal of the ASA. From the email call: Digital project reviews carry on the traditions and guidelines of book reviewing in the American Quarterly, including the careful selection of projects based on the importance ...read more
OPPORTUNITY: Digital Projects Review Editor, American Quarterly
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
The American Studies Association (ASA) Digital Humanities Caucus seeks nominations for a new Digital Projects Review Editor for American Quarterly, the journal of the ASA. From the email call: Digital project reviews carry on the traditions and guidelines of book reviewing in the American Quarterly, including the careful selection of projects based on the importance ...read more
OPPORTUNITY: Paid Usability Testing for trans, queer, bipoc, and disabled people
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
The “Trans Mediascapes” research project at Carleton University seeks individuals to help test the Transgender Media Portal. In particular, the project team seeks individuals in Canada and the U.S. who are over the age of 16 and identify as Trans, Two Spirit, nonbinary, intersex, gender nonconforming, queer Black, Indigenous, racialized, a person of colour Deaf, ...read more
OPPORTUNITY: Paid Usability Testing for trans, queer, bipoc, and disabled people
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
The “Trans Mediascapes” research project at Carleton University seeks individuals to help test the Transgender Media Portal. In particular, the project team seeks individuals in Canada and the U.S. who are over the age of 16 and identify as Trans, Two Spirit, nonbinary, intersex, gender nonconforming, queer Black, Indigenous, racialized, a person of colour Deaf, ...read more
JOB: Head of Digital Scholarship (University of Pennsylvania)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
From the announcement: Reporting to the Director of Research Data and Digital Scholarship (RDDS), the Head of Digital Scholarship is responsible for the administrative management of libraries’ digital scholarship initiatives including those related to digital projects, digital humanities, public digital scholarship, and affiliated areas. In collaboration with the Research Data and Digital Scholarship team and ...read more
JOB: Head of Digital Scholarship (University of Pennsylvania)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
From the announcement: Reporting to the Director of Research Data and Digital Scholarship (RDDS), the Head of Digital Scholarship is responsible for the administrative management of libraries’ digital scholarship initiatives including those related to digital projects, digital humanities, public digital scholarship, and affiliated areas. In collaboration with the Research Data and Digital Scholarship team and ...read more
JOB: Digital Scholarship Developer (Providence College)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 4 minutes
From the announcement: Provide strategic leadership for the design, development, and implementation of digital scholarship at Providence College. Remote hybrid work is available at a maximum of two days per week based on approval. Develop and maintain applications, platforms, and tools that support digital scholarship projects and initiatives through the use of extensive technical skills ...read more
JOB: Digital Scholarship Developer (Providence College)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
From the announcement: Provide strategic leadership for the design, development, and implementation of digital scholarship at Providence College. Remote hybrid work is available at a maximum of two days per week based on approval. Develop and maintain applications, platforms, and tools that support digital scholarship projects and initiatives through the use of extensive technical skills ...read more
Apply to the Digital Humanities & Research Software Engineering Summer School 2024
Source: CDH |
Reading time: 6 minutes
Applications are now open for the Digital Humanities & Research Software Engineering Summer School 2024. Since 2021 a partnership of UK institutions has been involved in the creation and delivery of a summer school aimed at researchers in the digital humanities who intend to professionalise their software engineering skills. This year's DH & RSE Summer
Reading time: 1 minutes
ZIM Centre for Information Modelling
18 April 2024
The centre's focus is on applied research in the area of information and data processing in the humanities.
Centre type
Digital scholarly edition, long-term preservation, digital museology, semantic web technologies
Strict versioning
Assessment dates
26 May 2020
18 April 2022
CTS certificate
Centre certification URL
47.064, 15.4399
ZIM Centre for Information Modelling
Faculty for Arts and Humanities
University of Graz
Institute Centre for Information Modelling - Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities
Elisabethstraße 59/III
8010 Graz
Administrative contact
Walter Scholger
walter.scholger [at] uni-graz.at_test
Contact website
Technical contact
Gerlinde Schneider
gerlinde.schneider [at] uni-graz.at_test
Contact website
Reading time: 1 minutes
CLARIN K-Centre for Ukrainian NLP and Corpora
18 April 2024
The CLARIN K-Centre for Ukrainian Language (UkrNLP-Corpora) serves as a pivotal hub for language researchers, offering a comprehensive platform for Ukrainian language resources and tools.
Centre type
Strict versioning
50.930099, 11.585155
CLARIN K-Centre for Ukrainian
Natural Language Processing
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_language_processing
Institute of Slavic and Caucasus Studies
Institute of Slavic and Caucasus Studies
University of Jena
Jenergasse 8
Administrative contact
Olha Kanishcheva
k.center.ukr [at] gmail.com_test
Technical contact
Olha Kanishcheva
k.center.ukr [at] gmail.com_test
Monitoring contacts
Olha Kanishcheva
k.center.ukr [at] gmail.com_test
Reading time: 1 minutes
Universität des Saarlandes
18 April 2024
Centre type
Creation and annotation of corpora, empirical corpus linguistics, language variation and register analysis.
PID status
Handle via EPIC.
Repository system
Fedora Commons
Strict versioning
Assessment dates
15 February 2019
15 February 2022
CTS certificate
Centre certification URL
49.256004, 7.039011
Universität des Saarlandes
Sprachwissenschaft und Sprachtechnologie
Fakultät P
Universität des Saarlandes
Campus A2.2
66123 Saarbrücken
Administrative contact
Prof. Elke Teich
e.teich [at] mx.uni-saarland.de_test
Technical contact
Jörg Knappen
j.knappen [at] mx.uni-saarland.de_test
+49 681 3024484
Reading time: 1 minutes
CLARINO Text Laboratory Centre
18 April 2024
Goal: We want our linguistic resources (corpora, tools and word lists) to be available to the CLARIN community.
Centre type
Language technology, corpora, grammatical tools and corpus tools
PID status
We use the PID service from the National Library of Norway
Strict versioning
59.9421883, 10.722153
CLARINO Text Laboratory Centre
Department of Lingusitics and Scandinavian Studies
University of Oslo
The Text laboratory
P.O. Box 1102 Blindern
0317 Oslo
Administrative contact
Jan Halvor Undlien
j.h.undlien [at] iln.uio.no_test
+47 22856747
Contact website
Technical contact
Kristin Hagen
tekstlab-post [at] iln.uio.no_test
+47 22857110
Contact website
Reading time: 1 minutes
CLARIN Knowledge Center for Terminology Resources and Translation Corpora (TRTC)
18 April 2024
Helpdesk, material and training about the preparation and documentation on terminology resources and translation corpora
Centre type
Strict versioning
Assessment dates
8 March 2022
7 March 2025
Centre certification URL
48.209117, 16.37708
CLARIN Knowledge Center for Terminology Resources and Translation Corpora (TRTC)
Centre for Translation Studies
University of Vienna
University of Vienna, Centre for Translation Studies
Gymnasiumstraße 50
1190 Vienna
Administrative contact
Vesna Lusicky
clarin [at] univie.ac.at_test
Contact website
Technical contact
Vesna Lusicky
clarin [at] univie.ac.at_test
Contact website
Reading time: 1 minutes
The Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics
18 April 2024
The Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics (TROLLing) is a repository of linguistic data, (statistical) code, and other related materials. The repository is open access, which means that all information is available to everyone. All postings are accompanied by searchable metadata that identify the researchers, the languages and linguistic phenomena involved, the statistical methods applied, and scholarly publications based on the data (where relevant).
Centre type
PID status
Repository system
Strict versioning
CTS certificate
69.6798027, 18.9712161
The Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics
University Library
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Postboks 6050 Langnes 9037 Tromsø
9037 Tromsø
Administrative contact
Philipp Conzett
philipp.conzett [at] uit.no_test
Contact website
Technical contact
Obiajulu Odu
obiajulu.odu [at] uit.no_test
Contact website
Reading time: 1 minutes
TextGrid Repository
18 April 2024
The TextGrid Repository offers an extensive searchable and adaptable corpus of XML/
Text Encoding Initiative
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Text_Encoding_Initiative
Centre type
Strict versioning
CTS certificate
51.53382, 9.93212
TextGrid Repository
Research and Development Department
Göttingen State and University Library
Papendiek 14
37073 Göttingen
Administrative contact
DARIAH-DE Coordination Office
info [at] de.dariah.eu_test
Contact website
Technical contact
DARIAH-DE Technical Support
support [at] de.dariah.eu_test
Contact website
Reading time: 1 minutes
18 April 2024
To offer repository, resources and services. Additional A-services and virtual K-centre.
Centre type
Repository system
Strict versioning
57.6938986, 11.9815064
Department of Swedish
University of Gothenburg
Box 200
405 30 Göteborg
Administrative contact
Lars Borin
sb-info [at] svenska.gu.se_test
Technical contact
Leif-Jöran Olsson
sb-sysadmin [at] svenska.gu.se_test
Spanish K-Centre
Reading time: 1 minutes
Spanish K-Centre
Spanish CLARIN K-Centre
18 April 2024
Distributed CLARIN K Centre consisting of HiTZ – Basque Center for Language Technology (University of the Basque Country, Donostia), ILG – Instituto da Lingua Galega (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela), and UNED – LINHD: Laboratorio de Innovacion de Humanidades Digitales (Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, Madrid).
Centre type
Services to researchers working with Spanish texts and, additionally, HiTZ can afford experience in handling Basque texts and ILG Galician texts.
Strict versioning
Assessment dates
29 November 2021
28 November 2024
Centre certification URL
43.3074524, -2.0107231
Spanish CLARIN K-Centre
Department of Humanities
University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
HiTZ – Basque Center for Langauge Technology (University of the Basque Country), coord Spanish cons.
Manuel de Lardizabal Pasealekua, 1
20018 Donostia-San Sebastián
Administrative contact
Mikel Iruskieta
mikel.iruskieta [at] ehu.eus_test
+34 946017569
Contact website
Technical contact
Mikel Iruskieta
mikel.iruskieta [at] ehu.eus_test
+34 946017569
Contact website
Reading time: 1 minutes
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for The Languages of Sweden
18 April 2024
Information service offering advice on the use of digital language resources and tools for the Swedish language, minority languages in Sweden, Swedish sign language, Swedish dialects et al.
Centre type
language technology, corpus linguistics and language counseling
Strict versioning
Assessment dates
2 November 2021
1 November 2024
Centre certification URL
59.334591, 18.06324
CLARIN Knowledge Centre for The Languages of Sweden
Språkrådet (The Language Council of Sweden)
Institute of Language and Folklore in Stockholm, Uppsala and Göteborg
Språkrådet (The Language Council of Sweden)
Box 20057
104 60 Stockholm
Administrative contact
swe-clarin [at] sprakochfolkminnen.se_test
Contact website
Technical contact
swe-clarin [at] sprakochfolkminnen.se_test
Contact website
Generative AI and The Automation of Creative Labour
Source: CDH |
Reading time: 5 minutes
A visual artist and a law professor walk into a seminar room to talk about generative AI. There’s a thought that machines doing busywork for humans are now being enabled to be creative, whereas humans are doing busywork for machines. In this session, Eryk Salvaggio and Andrea Wallace will discuss the realities, tradeoffs, and opportunities,
DHd2024: Quo Vadebas II. Ein studentischer Erfahrungsbericht von Theresa Beckert
Source: RaDiHum 20 |
Reading time: 9 minutes
Heute geht es weiter mit unserer Mini-Serie mit Gastfolgen zur DHd2024. In diesem Special haben wir das Vergnügen, drei exklusive Episoden zu präsentieren, in denen Theresa Beckert, eine DH-Studentin (MA, 3. FS) der Universität Dresden und zugleich Doktorandin der ÄdL, ihre ersten Erfahrungen auf einer Konferenz der Digital Humanities teilt. Diese Folgen, die jeweils einen […]
Der Beitrag DHd2024: Quo Vadebas II. Ein studentischer Erfahrungsbericht von Theresa Beckert erschien zuerst auf RaDiHum 20.
What do you want to do with Trove data?
Source: Tim Sherratt |
Reading time: 1 minutes
In my work on the Trove Data Guide I’ve started sketching out a series of research pathways. These are intended as ways of connecting Trove data to tools and questions – providing examples of the steps involved in gathering, preparing, and using data to explore particular research topics.
I’ve currently defined six pathways, roughly based on different types of data that you can get from Trove:
Structured data
Maps and places
Networks and relationships
Creating collections
‘Creating collections’ is a bit different I suppose, as it’s meant to relate to the work of assembling research collections from data in Trove – for example, creating a collection of annotated newspaper articles in Omeka.
I have some ideas, of course, about the types of tutorials and examples to include in each pathway, but I’m wondering what you would like to see. What would you like to be able to do with Trove data?
You might get some inspiration by browsing through what’s already in the Trove Data Guide and the GLAM Workbench, or perhaps you have a research question that’s foundered because you couldn’t get the data you needed out of Trove. If you have any ideas please share them via the TDG’s ideas board. This is a chance to get some of your gnarly Trove data problems solved!
Note that the TDG links in this post go to the development version, which changes frequently. There is also a published version that doesn’t include the latest content.
Update! Saving Trove newspaper articles and pages as images
Source: Tim Sherratt |
Reading time: 2 minutes
You probably know that when you select the Download as Image option for a digitised newspaper article in Trove what you get back is not actually an image – it’s an HTML document, in which the original image has been sliced up to try and fit on an A4 page when printed. So this article:
Ends up looking like this!!
So what do you do when you just want an image of an article as it appeared in the newspaper? Some years ago I figured out a workaround that involves scraping the OCR positional data that’s embedded in Trove’s newspaper viewer and cropping the article from a high-resolution image of the page. The method is documented in the GLAM Workbench and the Trove Data Guide, and I’ve packaged up the code in trove-newspapers-images so you can embed it in your own projects.
I also created a…
Marc Ridgell
Source: Price Lab for Digital Humanities |
Reading time: 1 minutes
Academic Title:
Doctoral Student, Africana Studies
Marc Ridgell is a first-year PhD student in Africana Studies and William Fontaine Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania. Their prospective dissertation uses critical ethnography and GIS mapping to examine how Black queer and trans people experience community amid active gentrification, policing, and larger neoliberal affects in Philadelphia. Their summer Price Lab project envisions a public-facing website that exhibits archives, oral histories, and maps of Black LGBTQ+ life and organizing in Philadelphia.
They graduated magna cum laude with their B.A. from Washington University in St. Louis in May 2023. While at WashU, they completed a senior thesis through the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship, Schomburg-Mellon Humanities Summer Institute, and Leadership Alliance at the University of Chicago.
Fellowship Date:
April, 2024—August, 2024
An Experiment with Gemini Pro LLM for Chinese OCR and Metadata Extraction
Source: The Digital Orientalist |
Reading time: 17 minutes
This is a guest post by Eric H. C. Chow. For more information, see at the end of this post. …
Dr Arild Stenberg
Source: CDH |
Reading time: 5 minutes
Arild's background combines experience as a composer and conductor with a more recent focus on research in music psychology and music cognition. As a composer, he was always interested in the effect of notational choices on performance and had already started to explore how the design of a musical text affected practice and rehearsal. After
Nelya Koteyko
Source: CDH |
Reading time: 5 minutes
Nelya Koteyko is Professor of Language and Communication at Queen Mary University of London. Her research focuses on the relationship between media discourse and everyday practices and identities. Nelya’s key interests lie in (1) construction of identity and social ‘co-presence’ through linguistic, visual, and technological resources in online networks; (2) the role of technological affordances
Reisekostenstipendien des DHd-Verbands für DH-nahe Tagungen (Sommer 2024)
Source: Tagungen |
Reading time: 5 minutes
Der Verband »Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum e.V.« (http://www.dig-hum.de) schreibt dieses Jahr zum ersten Mal fünf Reisestipendien zu je 500 € aus, die nicht an die…
JOB: Digital Collections Librarian (University of Wyoming)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 2 minutes
UW Libraries seeks a collaborative and creative librarian to join our Digital Collections team. The Digital Collections Librarian will oversee the digitization of materials in a variety of formats, both 2D and 3D, planning and execution of new digital collections and exhibits, and the maintenance of existing digital collections. The Digital Collections Librarian will coordinate ...read more
JOB: Research Informatics Specialist (University of Oklahoma)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
Salary Range: Targeted salary $72,000 annually, based on experience Benefits Provided: Yes Required Attachments: Resume, Cover Letter, Other Document (See Job Requirements for details) Job Description — The University Libraries seeks to recruit a technical professional who has a passion for the higher education environment to support data-intensive research and digital scholarship projects. The Research Informatics Specialist is ...read more
JOB: Digital Community Partnerships Specialist (Smithsonian Institution)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 14 minutes
Come join the team at the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum! We’re working to expand the story of America through the often-untold accounts and accomplishments of women individually and collectively—to better understand our past and inspire our future. We’re looking for dedicated individuals to help us create space for women’s history on the National Mall ...read more
JOB: Digital Stewardship Librarian (Amherst College)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
Amherst has taken a leadership role among highly selective liberal arts colleges and universities in successfully diversifying the racial, socio-economic, and geographic profile of its student body. The College is similarly committed to enriching its educational experience and its culture through the diversity of its faculty, administration and staff. Job Description: Amherst College ...read more
JOB: Digital Collections Librarian (University of Wyoming)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 2 minutes
UW Libraries seeks a collaborative and creative librarian to join our Digital Collections team. The Digital Collections Librarian will oversee the digitization of materials in a variety of formats, both 2D and 3D, planning and execution of new digital collections and exhibits, and the maintenance of existing digital collections. The Digital Collections Librarian will coordinate ...read more
JOB: Research Informatics Specialist (University of Oklahoma)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
Salary Range: Targeted salary $72,000 annually, based on experience Benefits Provided: Yes Required Attachments: Resume, Cover Letter, Other Document (See Job Requirements for details) Job Description — The University Libraries seeks to recruit a technical professional who has a passion for the higher education environment to support data-intensive research and digital scholarship projects. The Research Informatics Specialist is ...read more
JOB: Digital Community Partnerships Specialist (Smithsonian Institution)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 14 minutes
Come join the team at the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum! We’re working to expand the story of America through the often-untold accounts and accomplishments of women individually and collectively—to better understand our past and inspire our future. We’re looking for dedicated individuals to help us create space for women’s history on the National Mall ...read more
JOB: Digital Stewardship Librarian (Amherst College)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
Amherst has taken a leadership role among highly selective liberal arts colleges and universities in successfully diversifying the racial, socio-economic, and geographic profile of its student body. The College is similarly committed to enriching its educational experience and its culture through the diversity of its faculty, administration and staff. Job Description: Amherst College ...read more
EVENT: UT Humanities Center’s Distinguished Lecture Series
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
The Humanities Center at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville will host “A Counterhistory of Data Visualization” on April 15 as part of their 2023-2024 Distinguished Lecture Series. The talk will be given by visiting scholar Lauren Klein of Emory University and will focus the “return to the origins of modern data visualization in order excavate this ...read more
CFP: Cultures of Scale: Disciplines, Data, and Labor
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
Proposals are now being accepted for Cultures of Scale: Discipline, Data, and Labor, part of the Debates in Digital Humanities book series from The University of Minnesota Press. From the call: This volume is designed for a wide array of perspectives. We have much to gain from the complex and critical debates on scale within ...read more
CFP: Digitorium 2024
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
Digitorium, the annual Digital Humanities conference hosted by the Alabama Digital Humanities Center at University of Alabama Libraries, is now accepting proposals. They specifically “encourage submissions that ask big questions, present puzzles for problem-solving, and share outside of the box ideas.” Presentation formats include: Papers: 15 minute presentations (max 2000 words). Papers are an opportunity for ...read more
EVENT: DH@Guelph Summer Workshops
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
The DH@Guelph team, partnered with Canadian Certificate in Digital Humanities (CC:DH), has announced their 2024 Summer Workshops which are set for May 14th- 17th. The workshops will focus on topics related to digital humanities research and teaching from a variety of disciplines. Workshop topics include: Making Connections: The Semantic Web for Humanities Scholars Introduction to ...read more
JOB: Digital Humanities Librarian (Florida International University)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
Florida International University Libraries (FIU Libraries) serves as the intellectual heart of our students’ academic journeys, offering pathways to knowledge and discovery, ultimately paving the way for student success. Our libraries provide essential resources crucial for research and innovation, fostering collaborative research endeavors and supporting scholars throughout the entirety of their research lifecycle. FIU Libraries ...read more
RESOURCE: Working with Named Places: How and Why to Build a Gazetteer (Programming Historian)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
The latest lesson from Programming Historian is “Working with Named Places: How and Why to Build a Gazetteer” by Susan Grunewald and Ruth Mostern. The lesson takes the learner through the process of creating a gazetteer from historical texts and then shows how one might leverage the gazetteer’s data using linked open data and GIS. ...read more
EVENT: UT Humanities Center’s Distinguished Lecture Series
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
The Humanities Center at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville will host “A Counterhistory of Data Visualization” on April 15 as part of their 2023-2024 Distinguished Lecture Series. The talk will be given by visiting scholar Lauren Klein of Emory University and will focus the “return to the origins of modern data visualization in order excavate this ...read more
CFP: Cultures of Scale: Disciplines, Data, and Labor
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
Proposals are now being accepted for Cultures of Scale: Discipline, Data, and Labor, part of the Debates in Digital Humanities book series from The University of Minnesota Press. From the call: This volume is designed for a wide array of perspectives. We have much to gain from the complex and critical debates on scale within ...read more
CFP: Digitorium 2024
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
Digitorium, the annual Digital Humanities conference hosted by the Alabama Digital Humanities Center at University of Alabama Libraries, is now accepting proposals. They specifically “encourage submissions that ask big questions, present puzzles for problem-solving, and share outside of the box ideas.” Presentation formats include: Papers: 15 minute presentations (max 2000 words). Papers are an opportunity for ...read more
EVENT: DH@Guelph Summer Workshops
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
The DH@Guelph team, partnered with Canadian Certificate in Digital Humanities (CC:DH), has announced their 2024 Summer Workshops which are set for May 14th- 17th. The workshops will focus on topics related to digital humanities research and teaching from a variety of disciplines. Workshop topics include: Making Connections: The Semantic Web for Humanities Scholars Introduction to ...read more
JOB: Digital Humanities Librarian (Florida International University)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
Florida International University Libraries (FIU Libraries) serves as the intellectual heart of our students’ academic journeys, offering pathways to knowledge and discovery, ultimately paving the way for student success. Our libraries provide essential resources crucial for research and innovation, fostering collaborative research endeavors and supporting scholars throughout the entirety of their research lifecycle. FIU Libraries ...read more
RESOURCE: Working with Named Places: How and Why to Build a Gazetteer (Programming Historian)
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
The latest lesson from Programming Historian is “Working with Named Places: How and Why to Build a Gazetteer” by Susan Grunewald and Ruth Mostern. The lesson takes the learner through the process of creating a gazetteer from historical texts and then shows how one might leverage the gazetteer’s data using linked open data and GIS. ...read more
EVENT: Black Digital Humanities Symposium
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 0 minutes
The Black Digital Humanities Lab will host a Black Digital Humanities Symposium on April 12. The symposium “brings together graduate students, practitioners, community activists, and artists to discuss the future of this field, exploring what it means to come together to weave Black futures.” Sessions include panels on representation & resistance in digital media and ...read more
EVENT: Black Digital Humanities Symposium
Source: dh+lib |
Reading time: 10 minutes
The Black Digital Humanities Lab will host a Black Digital Humanities Symposium on April 12. The symposium “brings together graduate students, practitioners, community activists, and artists to discuss the future of this field, exploring what it means to come together to weave Black futures.” Sessions include panels on representation & resistance in digital media and ...read more
DH@Guelph Summer Workshops – tuition support
Source: Digital Humanities Network |
Reading time: 10 minutes
Deadline: Monday, April 22 at 5:00 pm EST Are you looking for more training in digital humanities tools and methods? CDHI is offering tuition support for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, […]
Now Hiring: Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities and Postgraduate Administrator
Source: CDH |
Reading time: 8 minutes
Postgraduate Administrator Department: Faculty of English, Cambridge Salary: £29,605-£33,966 Closing date: 5 May 2024 Apply now The Faculty of English is seeking to appoint a motivated, enthusiastic and adaptable individual to the post of Postgraduate Administrator. You will be responsible to and work alongside the Faculty's Postgraduate Coordinator to contribute to the effective administration
Centre news vol. 65 - April 2024
Reading time: 2 minutes
Centre news vol. 65 - April 2024
OSCARS cascading grants: deadline 15 May
As you might have seen at OSCARS 1st Open Call for Open Science Projects and Services or at EU Funding & Tenders Portal there is an interesting opportunity to submit proposals via the OSCARS project. There is a significant budget (13 mio EUR) and with a funding rate between 100k and 250k EUR this means that around 50 to 100 proposals can be funded.
We recently published some ideas about how to relate proposals to the CLARIN and SSHOC research infrastructures.
CLARIN technical open hour, Monday 8 April at 11:00 CEST
The next edition of the CLARIN technology open hour is planned for Monday 8 April at 11:00 CEST. You can join virtually and ask our developers and infrastructure specialists anything. The special topic of this open hour is CLARIN-DSpace version 7. Anyone is welcome to join!
Deadline Centre Assessment Round approaching
The deadline for the upcoming B-centre assessment round is 30 April 2024.
If you would like to participate in this 23rd round, please make sure to use:
The updated CoreTrustSeal 2023-2025 and AMT platform.
The latest version of the B-centre checklist (7.4). The difference with the previous version is the addition of two (optional) recommendations at the end of the document, on the use of the attribute checker and attribute aggregator.
New on the CLARIN forum
OSCARS open call: some ideas and hints
Repositories listed on CLARIN website
CLARIN Trainers’ Network
CLARIN Resources nominated for DH Awards
Planned Maintenance
Component Registry maintenance: 9 April 2024 between 09:00 and 09:30 CEST
ACDH-CH maintenance: 12 April 16:00 to 15 April 8:00 CEST
More information at https://status.clarin.eu/
Dieter Van Uytvanck
3 April 2024
centre news
Apply for a Visiting Fellowship at Cambridge Digital Humanities
Source: CDH |
Reading time: 6 minutes
Applications for the next round of CDH Visiting Fellowships, to be held between October 2024 and March 2025, are now open. Scholars and students interested in applying for a fellowship must submit their application no later than 21 April 2024 for the current round. Cambridge Digital Humanities offers several types of visiting fellowships, lasting between
Source: CDH |
Reading time: 5 minutes
Silvia Garzarella is a PhD Student in Visual, Performing, and Media Arts at the University of Bologna, currently working on the project: Improving the Fruition of Ballet’s Intangible Assets through Digital Archives and Advanced Digital Technology Products. A Case Study of Rudolf Nureyev (1938-1993). At the same University, she achieved a Master’s Degree in Italian
Call for ADHO Treasurer (Incoming as Deputy)
Source: News – Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations |
Reading time: 0 minutes
Purpose: The Treasurer is the financial manager for both ADHO and the ADHO Foundation (ADHO’s legal entity, based in the Netherlands), and is a member of the Executive Board. The Treasurer keeps track of and reports on the budget and advises the Executive and Constituent Organization Boards about financial decisions. The Deputy Treasurer advises and… Read More »Call for ADHO Treasurer (Incoming as Deputy)
Call for ADHO Executive Board Secretary
Source: News – Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations |
Reading time: 0 minutes
Purpose: The role of the Secretary is to organize, record, and communicate EB meetings and joint meetings of the EB and COB, documents, decisions, and action items. They also serve as record keepers, holders of institutional memory, and reference sources for ADHO policy, decisions, and custom. Term: This is a three-year position. In the first… Read More »Call for ADHO Executive Board Secretary
Alexis Hernando
Source: Price Lab for Digital Humanities |
Reading time: 1 minutes
Academic Title:
Doctoral Student, Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Alexis Hernando is a first-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Pennsylvania. Alexis’ research focuses on memory studies from a transhistorical and global perspective, incorporating the literary and cultural heritage from Spanish Africa, Latin America, and the Iberian Peninsula. His work considers diverse theoretical frameworks including posthumanism, material culture, transatlantic studies, coloniality, race, and intellectual history. Before joining UPenn, Alexis earned a B.A. and Licenciatura in Hispanic Literature from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and an M.A. in Romance Languages from Johns Hopkins University. He has worked in the Department of Humanities and the Office of the President at PUCP and as a Graduate Teaching Fellow at Johns Hopkins. In addition, he was part of the photographic project ‘Veins of Influence’ about colonial Ceylon at the Museum of Oxford with the sponsorship of Oxford University. His publications have appeared in the peer-reviewed journals Revista Chilena de Literatura, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, and Atlantic Studies.
Fellowship Date:
April, 2024—August, 2024
Armando Navarro Rojas
Source: Price Lab for Digital Humanities |
Reading time: 1 minutes
Academic Title:
Doctoral Student, Department of Spanish and Portuguese
A Cuban Ph.D. student in Hispanic Studies in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Pennsylvania. During my undergraduate and master's studies, I have focused on film studies, specifically on community audiovisual as a counter-hegemonic discourse. I have experience in filmmaking, particularly in assistant directing for two documentary series.My interests lie in Caribbean literature and cinema. I intend to address the relationships between discourse, space, and representation in a large textual corpus from and about the Caribbean throughout the 20th and 21st centuries I am a 2024 Goizueta Graduate Pre-Prospectus Fellowship at the Cuban Heritage Collection of the University of Miami.
2017-B.A. Art History. University of Havana.
2022-M.A. Art History in the field of Film Studies. National Autonomous University of Mexico
Fellowship Date:
April, 2024—August, 2024
How to read French handwriting with AI
Source: READ-COOP |
Reading time: 26 minutes
You can learn plenty about French history from reading books and watching documentaries. These kinds of sources are great for getting an overview of a topic. But it is primary sources such as birth registers, medieval manuscripts or personal letters that really get to the heart of a topic, giving us an unfiltered perspective on […]
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